Bill Nye the F*ckin’ Science Guy

I know this is the most random post to make coming back from a SUPER long hiatus, but I love watching Bill Nye lose his shit. This is how I feel about climate change, too, but there’s not much I, personally, can do about it until I have some actual time and money, so this was therapeutic to watch. Although, the globe on fire is kinda what the news feels like every day, so… there’s that… I also love how comedy makes facts and ideas stick really well. Bill Nye knows this. So you swear, Bill Nye. Swear your ass off.<3

About the hiatus, I’ve been overwhelmed with sorting my ideas and research out, plus I was going to try and streamline my past blogs. Instead, I’m saying f*ck it, and, essentially, throwing them up on this blog. That’s what my blog is about anyways. I included my past blog (I could only remember the one right now) link in my “About” page on here and BAM! No more obstacles. Now I just need to remember this blog exists.

Major props to my brilliant voice actor husband, Kyle Stroud, though. He’s been keeping up a blog here: He inspires me every day (you should check him out, he’s brilliant), and his blogging has inspired me to just sit down, cut through the mental clutter, and get back into this blog. Also, I have ADHD (seriously–not just sayin’ that), and I’m procrastinating on typing up some project proposals. I call it productive procrastination. Yay! So I can thank those, too.

I’m not sure what the schedule on my blog is going to be right now, but I’m going to make myself weekly reminders, at least. Until it figures itself out, I may end up posting on a whim each week to see what days and times I most often land on.

Thanks for reading! Have a great day!